Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snowstorm Pantoum

Blizzards stop cities dead
Seizing the last taxi for a fifty dollar ride
Through the worst we struggle homeward
No larder in kitchens the size of half-closets

Seizing the last taxi for a fifty dollar ride
We rush to grab comfort food and liquids
No larder in kitchens the size of half-closets
And we curb the dog for the last time

We rush to grab comfort food and liquids
By 4 AM the street lights provide daylight
And we curb the dog for the last time
I can't sleep. This silence. No traffic.

By 4 AM the street lights provide daylight
As a single voice echoes white canyon walls
I can't sleep. This silence. No traffic.
Each suspended in the apartment world of our own making

As a single voice echoes white canyon walls
Blizzards stop cities dead
Each is suspended in the world of our own making
Through the worst we struggle onward

Linnie York  c.2009